Inspiro Ministries' Vision

Inspiro is compelled to restore the purpose, hope, and joy of families by guiding and inspiring fathers to pass on a life-giving legacy.

INSPIRO is Latin meaning “to inspire or fill someone with the urge or ability to do something”. Inspiro Ministries believes the greatest inspiration for children to continue in a legacy of faith, comes from the home. Discipleship begins at home. Parents are primarily biblically responsible for the spiritual development of children. The greatest influence upon a child’s faith is not peers or pastors, but parents.

Photo by shironosov/iStock / Getty Images

Inspiro desires to:

·       ENCOURAGE fathers and families that God has and will give you everything you need to be a faithful parent. Parenting is the most challenging and rewarding gift of God (Ps 127:3). Family is God’s idea and the first institution He designed. From the mundane daily activities to those milestone moments, you have what it takes and we want you to know family still works!

·       EQUIP fathers and families with resources and vision. We desire to guide parents to develop healthy rhythms and intentionality for family discipleship by establishing time, moments, and milestones in everyday life. We want to help your kids see you as God’s designated spiritual leader.

·       ENGAGE fathers and families by providing opportunities which connect the hearts at home. Our goal is to strengthen relationships in the home: individual relationships with Christ, marriages, and the heart connection between parents and their children.

We will do this through both restorative and preventative ministry. We journey with families that are not currently in a community of faith, to restore purpose, hope, and joy of family. We also journey with families in a community of faith on how to pass on a legacy of faith to their children.

Inspiro Ministries believes that the family exists to magnify and model the excellency of Christ and to teach our children to find their ultimate satisfaction in Jesus Christ.  

Brad’s Story:

This passion for fathers and families was first birthed in me through my own conversion story. God used a crisis in my father’s life to turn his heart toward God, his wife, and his children. Then the Lord placed mentors in his life that modeled a relationship with God that my father had never experienced. This powerful living epistle of the Gospel through my father, was a forerunner to turn my heart towards both my earthly and my heavenly father. As my father began to practice a daily walk with Jesus, I was attracted to his authentic faith. He invited me to journey with him in the day-to-day and those milestone discipleship and ministry opportunities. Despite the influence of peers and others outside the home, the most powerful influence upon the legacy of faith was a living picture of the Gospel in my home that I watched day in and day out. One of Daddy’s favorite quotes was “Christianity is more caught than taught”. This is the message of Deuteronomy six where God through Moses is instructing the Israelites how to maintain a legacy of faith in the new land, for generations to come. They were to Personalize their love for God, Pass-It-On to their children through teaching on talking of the scriptures throughout life, and Protect this faith from outside influences.


With this heritage from my earthly father, on a prayer retreat in 2003, the Lord impressed Luke 1:17 (cf: Malachi 4:6) as a ministry focus for my life:

‘‘ he will go as a forerunner … in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children, …to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

So how is a father’s influence as powerful as the life of the prophet Elijah? Our earthly father is our first impression of the heavenly father. The father/child relationship is a portrait of the Gospel. God the father turned His heart toward us and then our hearts are turned to Him. The father/child relationship is not really the BIGGEST deal. This relationship is the shadow of the BIGGEST deal --the Gospel. Preparing our children for the Lord! This is not saying mothers do not have influence in the legacy of faith but that they were never intended to do it alone. The context of a covenant marriage is God’s design for passing on the faith. When this does not exist, God is the father to the fatherless through the church, mothers, or others that step in as the scripture shows in the life of Timothy.

Statistics match the Biblical importance of a father’s influence by showing that:

  • The physical absence of fathers is now considered the most significant family and social problem facing America. The research is staggering. Prisoners, drug users, dropouts, runaways, and rapists all share something in common. The overwhelming majority come from homes without a father. (The Resolution for Men , p.16 / Focus Family Insight)

  • 44% of children whose fathers regularly attended church…followed in their dad’s footsteps and 56% of kids who have a close relationship with their dads share his level of religious commitment, while only 36% of kids with a weaker relationship to their father can say the same thing (Dads, Take Your Kids to Church: John Stonestreet & G. Shane Morris // “Families and Faith: How Religion is Passed Down Across Generations”, Vern Bengtson)

  • 85% of all youth in prison come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average (Fulton Co. Georgia, Texas Dept. of Correction /

  • 90% of the women who have had an abortion said they would not have done it if the father would have been supportive of the pregnancy (Love Life Charlotte)

Through the years in pastoral ministry, my family and I have accomplished this vision through equipping, encouraging, and engaging parents as the primary disciple makers of their children. My wife, Rebecca, and I have four children. A few years ago, we moved back to the family farm with the hopes of restoring it to be used to connect the hearts of families to God and each other.

Partner with us:

If you would like to partner with us, please see instruction on our Give page and PLEASE PRAY with us for this vision to be accomplished that the generation to come might now of his faithfulness: For He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers that they should teach them to their children, that the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, (Psalm 78:5-6)

The video below was shown at the 2017 H.E.L.P. Pregnancy Center Banquet and represents one of the ways Inspiro pursues fathers (This was under the original ministry name of Restoring Fathers).