Restoring Fathers Launched at H.E.L.P. Pregnancy Banquet

Rebecca and I were so honored to launch Restoring Fathers at the H.E.L.P. Pregnancy Banquet Tuesday night. Here is the video we shared with the 580 plus in attendance. We are in our partnership development and vision casting phase as full-time missionaries at the Pregnancy Center. Please click on the button below to learn more about how you can support us as missionaries at the Pregnancy Center to restore the hearts of fathers or visit our webpage: We look forward to connecting with you and the fruit of the ministry through your partnership.


Over 580 people supported the 26th annual H.E.L.P. Pregnancy Banquet. It was a celebration of life and kickoff to Restoring Fathers Ministry.


Family Ministry

Our girls got involved selling handmade jewelry and scarves to support Restoring Fathers